February 28, 2023

Best SEO Chrome extensions

Best SEO Chrome extensions

Sometimes it feels as though you need to be a SEO guru to succeed at business.

Is learning about the latest SEO tactics taking up too much of your time?

If the answer is “Yes”, you need SEO Chrome extensions.

When you integrate the right Chrome extensions for your business, these reliable and accessible SEO tools will be your best friend.

We’ve researched more than 20 reputable SEO Chrome extensions–so you don’t have to.

Ready to get started?

What are SEO Chrome Extensions?

It would help if we kicked off with a definition of SEO Chrome extensions.

SEO Chrome extensions are shortcuts to Chrome applications. Extensions are software programs that are built on web technologies such as CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. It’s these web technologies that enable users to tailor their own Chrome experience.

Chrome extensions are designed to be a simple, light, and quick way to work on Chrome without the faff of opening the webpage. Because Chrome extensions are available directly from Google Chrome, they are readily accessible and contextually usable.

To open a Chrome extension, you simply click on it, login, and away you go.

The array of SEO plugins for Chrome available to support SEO is quite simply bewildering.

But don’t panic. That’s why this article exists–to help you navigate the extensions maze and choose the right solution for your business’s SEO needs.

How SEO Chrome Extensions Help

SEO Chrome extensions offer multi-purpose functionality, including, but not limited to:

  • Competitor analysis
  • On Page SEO
  • Keyword research
  • Content optimization
  • Link building and backlinks
  • SERP analysis
  • Technical SEO
  • Redirect analysis
  • Rank checking
  • Google Analytics troubleshooting
  • SEO audits

Chrome SEO plugins support all aspects of your business’s SEO efforts.

Each SEO Chrome extension we’ll look at includes a variety of features, and some features will overlap.

When you browse through the listed SEO Chrome extensions, consider your business’s SEO requirements to come up with the best matches.

Whether you need technical SEO, rank checking, or tips to help with optimizing your digital content, there'll be a SEO Chrome extension for it (available via the Chrome web store).

Let’s dive in.


PageImprove by SemRush is a SEO Chrome extension that gives you the power to edit website pages directly from your browser.

If you find yourself frustrated because you can’t make SEO changes to your website without developer assistance, this tool could be a gamechanger.

PageImprove is great for quickly editing aspects of your website such as H1s, metadata, and titles with ease. Having an intuitive tool like this means you can keep your business’s site as accurate and up-to-date as possible.

This SEO Chrome plugin is ideal if you are working with a cumbersome CMS system, and/or you have the resources to jump in and make regular content amends.

Top Feature: Update multiple pages simultaneously with the Bulk Update feature. Simply upload a CSV file with the relevant URLs and changes, and click to publish them.

Page Improve

Keyword Surfer

Keyword Surfer is a free SEO Chrome extension that allows you to generate keyword ideas and see search volumes directly in Google search results.

You can conduct efficient content creation research, all without ever leaving the Google search results page. Moreover, view keyword volume data for every Google search result within the tool for ultimate ease of use.

With every new search, discover data such as visibility metrics, on-page performance, CPC, related terms, and more.

Keyword Surfer is a no-nonsense approach to SEO. Swiftly delivering the results you want and identifying valuable keywords, this Chrome extension is great for SEO execs with minimal time to spare.

Top Feature: Discover the global search volume for every keyword you search. You’ll even receive a list of related backlinks.

Keyword Surfer


SEOQuake is a popular and widely used free SEO Chrome extension.

Implement this extension, and you’ll gather in-depth analysis of search engine results pages—including keyword difficulty ratings and an instant site audit. If you have a SemRush account, you can connect it to this extension to explore even more data.

SEOQuake has all the crucial SEO metrics you need at a glance, so it’s a good match for SEOs looking to perform high volumes of link analysis.

Top Feature: The most commonly used feature of SEOQuake is the data gleaned for each search–receive information on every single website that ranks.


Mangools provides robust analysis data including domain authority, page authority, and SEO strength rates.

Mangools offers a free 10-day trial, and if you choose the premium plan after this, you get access to features including keyword assistance, backlinks, broken link data, and profile analysis.

This Chrome SEO plugin is a solid option for companies who want an all-in-one extension. Delivering some of each SEO aspect, expect to view data on Alexa rankings, referring IPs, and social media share information.

Top Feature: Find powerful backlinks with time-saving filters directly in the Chrome extension.


SEO Minion

SEO Minion provides features such as daily SEO task support, on-page SEO status and optimisation, and validity checks on HReflang tags.

Coupled with on-page analysis, SEO Minion is a free Chrome extension that also enables you to preview search engine results pages at a glance. Check out the multilevel “People Also Ask” query export feature. Data directly from the SERP provides you with related long-tail queries and questions. Use this information to create new content and/or to discuss with your target audience.

Top Feature: Quickly locate broken links with SEO Minion. This includes identifying broken links on other websites. So if link building is your jam, you have the ammo to get in touch to discuss replacing the broken links with yours!

Majestic Backlink Analyzer

Majestic Backlink Analyzer offers detailed backlink analysis performed directly from the Chrome browser.

This SEO tool is an incredibly fast way to see the strength of any page–based on its backlink information. Get access to the Trust Flow, Citation Flow, and Visibility Flow for any web page you desire. A web page with higher Trust Flow than Citation Flow tends to include high-quality links.

As a free SEO Chrome extension, Majestic Backlink Analyzer crawls the entire web to ensure accurate and efficient results. Obtain a list of the 10 strongest backlinks on any page, together with a list of the 10 strongest anchor texts.

Majestic Backlink Analyzer offers paid features if you decide to sign up to an account.

Top Feature: This Chrome extension delivers a Flow Metric Score feature. With each score, you can see the impact of your content on your target audiences.


Rank Up Content

Rank Up Content provides valuable keyword suggestions together with content ideation and keyword planning. These easy-rank keyword options give your business the opportunity to boost your website’s content relevancy in relation to your audience.

Rank Up Content’s USP is that it delivers on content relevance, which is one of search engines’ key ranking factors.

Signing up for this free extension also allows you access to analysis of top ranking URLs for entered keywords.

Top Feature: “Hot related keywords” is a feature for paid users that gives you keyword difficulty scores and keyword frequencies.

Rank Up Content


Mozbar is an SEO Chrome extension from the creators of Moz.

This tool provides SEO metrics whilst viewing any webpage, plus domain authority rankings, link information, spam score, and web traffic from one dashboard.

Ideal for researching competitors and their keywords, Mozbar quickly analyzes their webpages and reports back on key comparison factors. Export this data easily into a CRV file to conduct further analysis.

The premium version of Mozbar offers features like page optimization, SERP metrics, and analyzes keyword difficulty.

Top Feature: Use the Search Volume feature to predict keyword accuracy–down to 95%. You can also add weight to specific keywords importance and relevance by allocating a custom score.

Speaking of custom, find out how to access custom data sources to include in your reports with Reporting Ninja here.

Keywords Everywhere

Keywords Everywhere classes itself as an essential keyword research tool.

Keywords Everywhere provides you with long-tail phrases, together with their accurate search volume, CPC, and competition data. This tool is therefore ideal for locating the most relevant keywords to add to your website’s content for better ranking opportunities.

Top Feature: The fact you can get all the data you need with this tool directly within Google is extremely convenient.


GrowthBar gives your business instant access to important SEO metrics, backlink data, Facebook ads, keyword exploration research, and more.

Content-heavy businesses will appreciate this Chrome extension. Offering AI-powered WordPress content writing delivered alongside SEO insights, this tool has superior algorithms that take the effort out of generating keyword-dense content.

Top Feature: GrowthBar’s intuitive dashboard delivers your competitors’ keywords, backlinks, and Google Ads information in one user-friendly place.


SimilarWeb gives accurate website traffic estimations combined with effortless competitive research.

As one of the most popular SEO Chrome extensions, you can uncover the SEO tricks that currently work for your competitors, together with more valuable insights.

SimilarWeb delivers traffic data without returning to competitors’ sites. So you’ll see average pages per visit, bounce rates, country of origin, and visit duration.

Top Feature: Check out the traffic makeup feature for a clear understanding of where traffic is coming from. Be it referrals, direct traffic, search engines, or social media–you can find it all out.

Redirect Path

Redirect Path is one for technical SEO enthusiasts.

Over time, URLs change. This SEO tool identifies broken redirects and flags up 301, 302, 404, and 500 HTTP status codes, including client side redirects such as meta and javascript redirects.

Top Feature: In addition to these redirects and errors, Redirect Path also displays other HTTP headers and server IP addresses on demand.

Redirect Path


BuzzSumo enables you to discover how many social shares a specific piece of content has garnered.

This nifty social media analysis tool quickly informs you of the content that your target audience likes and doesn't like.

Downloading BuzzSumo will rapidly fill up your article calendar–meaning you’ll be “buzzing” with content for the foreseeable future!

Top Feature: Use BuzzSumo to connect with hundreds of thousands of influencers. This tool uses a Content Analyzer to find the influencers that are most likely to share your content.



Hunter offers a Domain Search service which makes it easy to instantly locate contact information from your browser. This, together with an email address discovery tool, makes for keeping track of contacts a breeze.

Top Feature: If your business is heavily into improving your lead generation strategies, look no further than Hunter. The Email Verifier feature verifies all email addresses–reducing time and effort spent on sending incorrect emails



SERPStat offers two plans: Free Lite data plan and a basic paid plan.

With SERPStat, you can instantly run checks on your website and those of your competitors. Receive a full SEO domain audit trail to uncover on-page SEO parameters, domain analysis, and page analysis.

This all-in-one SEO platform delivers SERP historical data, keyword groups by tags, local searches, backlink analysis, and more.

Top Feature: SERPStat’s site audit is a great tool that offers a domain optimization score for your site, tips to clean the data, and alerts for new website issues to keep on top of everything.



As one of best-known SEO Chrome extensions Ahrefs offers detailed backlink analysis, plus the most relevant SEO metrics right below the SERPs.

Not only that, but Ahrefs locates the keywords your customers are searching for, together with content from your industry’s top performing content.

You can choose from the free plan or go pro to get up to two years of historical data, site explorer (including site structure and HTML source), HTTP authentication, and access to Google Data Studio.

Top Feature: Generate Content Gap reports to see exactly what your website is missing.



TextOptimizer is a writing assistant tool that supports optimized content creation to generate the best search engine results.

Analyzing search results for the most relevant terms, TextOptimizer extracts intent information to come up with other keywords to use in your content.

This free tool is efficient and simple to use, and will take your content creation to the next SEO level.

Top Feature: Easily locate words in your content to remove and be replaced for optimized SERPs.


SEO Search Simulator

SEO Search Simulator emulates Google searches from any location to check if a specific URL ranks in the top 100 results.

This is ideal if your company works with different client bases across the globe.

Other features of SEO Search Simulator include identifying broken links, pages, and missing metadata. Segment your most important URLs to understand how each influences your SEO strategies.

Top Feature: Custom Segments is a feature that enables you to uncover low-hanging fruit in terms of keywords and content opportunities. You can also monitor your website’s performance across groups of pages, transactional keywords, and more.

Search Simulator


Glimpse delivers valuable insights from Google Trends with Enhanced data for better insights.

Add search volume to Google Trends to receive alerts on current topics, as well as frequently searched for keywords. Uncover long tail keywords, CPS, and competition statistics, and export data to Google Sheets for easy further analysis.

Top Feature: Explore the most searched queries of a year to create the most meaningful and relevant content for your users.



GMass offers a lightweight touch with a powerful SEO tool.

As a mass email management tool, GMass is ideal for outreach marketing campaigns, as you can email directly from GMail.

Schedule and send emails, send mail merges via Google Sheets, track mail opens, and create impactful email sequences with ease.

Top Feature: The tool included with GMass to maximize your outreach campaign emails is effective at reaching inboxes instead of spam folders.


As you can see, there’s a great deal of SEO Chrome extensions available for your business.

Pick the most relevant one that will streamline your SEO efforts and take the hassle out of thinking of new content.

And when you’re ready to report on your newly unearthed data, Reporting Ninja’s fully customizable reporting services have you covered.

Why not try Reporting Ninja’s free trial? See for yourself what the intuitive reporting features can do for you.

Manolo Pereira