April 13, 2023

PPC tools to propel your Google Ads

PPC tools to propel your Google Ads

When it comes to running successful Google Ads campaigns, every click counts. And to maximise your campaign and ensure the best return on investment, a strong strategy paired with the right PPC tool is vital for your business.

Google Ads is good for reaching your potential customers, driving conversions, and increasing sales. But different businesses require different ad strategies. So, as you research which PPC tools for Google Ads you should add to your arsenal, it’s important to understand what your specific needs are.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the best PPC tools that can help you propel your Google Ads campaigns: Google Keyword Planner, Google Ads Editor, Google Trends, Spyfu, Optimizely, SEMRush, Google Analytics, PPC Entourage, Ad Badger, Bing Ads Editor, and AdEspresso.

By the end, you’ll have a good grasp on which tools are worth investing in and which ones will help you accelerate your PPC ads’ success.

Why you need PPC tools?

PPC or Pay-Per-Click advertising is a powerful way to help you drive more traffic to your website and generate more leads. However, as business needs and algorithms change, it can still be a tricky process to continue for ad experts and beginners alike.

The best PPC tools will help you streamline the whole process of creating a campaign. Together with organic optimisation, it can help significantly increase your business’s digital presence.Here are other reasons why you need PPC tools to propel your Google Ads marketing efforts:

1. Extensive keyword research

Before creating your PPC ads, it’s essential to conduct a comprehensive keyword research to find the right words you can use for your copy. This way, your campaigns are more discoverable for the right audience.

Extensive keyword research

Some keywords, especially generic ones, can seem like a fit for your niche. However, extensive keyword research can reveal that some of them are actually too saturated. Some can also just be too expensive for your set budget.By researching prior to creating your campaigns, you can avoid these potentially costly mistakes.

2. Optimise ad copy

With the right PPC tool for your business model, creating ads that are more likely to resonate and connect with your target audience can be easier. In addition, these tools can help make sure that your ad copy is always optimised for your website and search engines alike.

Optimise ad copy

PPC tools that focus on ad copy optimisation can also help you use data to your advantage by helping you create ad copy that’s relevant to your audience based on their behaviours and demographic data.

3. Design landing pages

Landing page builders can help you design goal-oriented pages that are optimised for your users to take the desired action to your content.

Design landing pages

How you design your landing page is a vital element not only for any successful PPC campaign but also for your organic search result standing.

4. Drive better conversion rates

PPC tools specifically built for conversion rate optimisation helps you identify areas of your website that are causing visitors to leave without taking your desired action.

Drive better conversion rates

Good PPC tools can analyse visitor behaviours and identify your bottlenecks in the conversion funnel for better ad returns.

5. Identify and analyse the competition

Learning from your competition’s successes and avoiding their mistakes can help you save money, time, and effort by creating a benchmark based on what already works.

Identify and analyse the competition

PPC tools that allow you to keep a close eye on your competitors and analyse your campaigns relatively will enable you to make data-driven decisions. It can also help you identify areas in your campaigns that need improvement.

6. Analyse and track campaigns

With valuable reporting capabilities, you can track progress and make adjustments to ensure that you are getting the most out of your advertising budget.

Analyse and track campaigns

By tracking metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and cost per click, you can identify areas where your campaigns are falling short and make adjustments.

7. Deriving valuable reports

Tools that generate reports are one thing, but it’s different when you want valuable, relevant reporting capabilities.

Deriving valuable reports

Reporting tools provide detailed insights, allowing you to track progress and see which keywords, ads, and landing pages drive the most traffic and conversions.

PPC tools for your business

In this digital age, any business owner and marketer knows that driving traffic to their website and generating leads is crucial for growth and success. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising is a powerful tool for achieving these goals.

Here are some of the well-known, reputable PPC tools you can choose from based on your website or business needs.

Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner is a free-to-use tool that can help you research strong keywords for your search campaigns. It is also recognised as the top tool by PPC professionals.

Google Keyword Planner

This tool primarily helps you identify terms, phrases, and different words your potential customers are searching for. It also allows you to discover new and frequently-searched keywords relevant to your business and see estimates of the number of searches and the cost to target them.Additionally, you can use their variety of filters to narrow down your keywords according to your business location, language, search network, or negative keywords.

Google Keyword Planner can also help provide insights into search trends and even help you identify seasonal keywords. This tool efficiently gets the most relevant and top keywords for your campaigns and reaches your target audience to generate more leads.

Google Ads Editor

Also a free Google tool for ads, Google Ads Editor suits any business owner, freelancer, or other professionals looking to manage their PPC campaigns more efficiently. With this tool, you can work offline and even make bulk changes to your campaigns quickly and easily.

Google Ads Editor

Google Ads Editor allows you to edit campaigns, ad groups, ads, and keywords in bulk, making it easier to make changes across multiple campaigns or ad groups at once. In addition, you can use it to import and export files and copy and paste ads and campaigns.

Google Ads Editor makes it easy for you to test new keywords, ad copy, and landing pages. The offline features can also be helpful, especially if you need to work with a slow or unreliable internet connection.

Google Trends

If you’re looking for a tool that mainly focuses on optimising your PPC campaigns, Google Trends can be one of the best PPC tools for you. This is a must-have popular research tool widely used by search professionals.

Google Trends lets you see trending topics and search queries over time for free. It also has analytics features to provide valuable insights into what people are searching for and how their interests and behaviours are changing over time.

Google Trends

This way, you can adjust your ads based on users’ behaviours and preferences, all while targeting the right keywords for your target demographic.

Google Trends features also extend to getting search volume estimates over time to help you identify what keywords and search terms are currently most popular. This predictive ability is beneficial to run relevant campaigns.

If you want to stay ahead of the curve and make your PPC campaigns flexible, you can try out Google Trends for free and see if it’s the right tool for your business.


Spyfu is specially designed for keyword research and competitive intelligence. It exposes the search marketing secret formula for your most successful competitors.


This tool is an excellent choice for digital marketers, especially since it exposes your competitors’ PPC campaigns, which may include their ad spend, the ad copy they’re using, and the keywords they are targeting. SpyFu can also give you valuable insights into keyword trends, search volumes,Knowing your competition’s move and standing is crucial to improve and maintain your digital marketing performance in online search.

It will also allow you to analyse your strategy relatively, identify new opportunities for growth and improvement, and further optimise your campaigns accordingly.


Optimizely is a Digital Experience Platform (DXP) that offers professionals such as marketing teams the ability to manage and optimise your digital activity and customer experience. It is an all-around tool that has extensive capabilities to help your campaigns, such as A/B testing, multivariate testing, website personalisation, and feature toggle capabilities, among other features.


With Optimizely, you can collect important data from creating and testing different versions of your website or digital assets, so you can identify how to optimise your ad best based on your target audience.

This tool also offers advanced analytics and reporting features, allowing you to easily make data-driven decisions for marketing strategy and track your campaign results.


As a digital marketer, you should aim to choose comprehensive tool suites since they are the most cost-effective and time-saving. And if you’re looking for one to improve your online visibility and discover valuable marketing insights, Semrush is the all-in-one tool for you.


This popular SEO tool offers a wide range of features for conducting keyword research, competitor analysis, and Google Ad optimization. You can also export your campaigns from Google Ads or Google Ads Editor and import and customise them into SEMRush easily.

Semrush is a must-have tool in your marketing arsenal. Some of its key features are identifying high-performing keywords and information on search volume and keyword difficulty.It also has ad performance tracking, ad creation, and detailed reporting for PPC campaigns, including ad performance and competitor analysis. In addition, all the data collected and analysed in the app can be exported into reports in different formats.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is another free web analytics service that’s currently very popular among digital marketers. The tool features statistics and analytics tools for paid ads and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) alike.

Google Analytics

GA can provide you with an in-depth look at your website/app performance, providing insights into website traffic and user behaviour, among other variables. It mainly accomplishes website traffic analysis for real-time analysis as users interact with your website.

It provides customisable reports and holistic reporting features to help track the metrics that matter most to your business, such as traffic and user data.

You can use GA to propel and guide your PPC advertising efforts in the right direction. Its conversion tracking features will help you understand the return on investment (ROI) of your campaigns. This way, it becomes easier to know how to remarket audiences based on your user’s demographic, location, and interests.

Its conversion tracking features also allow monitoring of PPC conversions such as phone calls, form submissions, purchases, and other conversions so you can interpret the data properly and make the necessary changes to your future campaigns.

Aside from audience insights, campaign tracking, and demographic data collection, GA can also help give you valuable insights into user behaviour on your website at the same time, including the pages they visit, how long they stay on each page, and where and when they exit.

By analysing this data, you can make informed decisions about website improvements and adjust your marketing strategies.

PPC Entourage

If you are an Amazon seller or advertiser, PPC Entourage is one of the best PPC tools to optimise your campaigns. Entourage efficiently optimises your Amazon ads with sales-driven automation.

It also helps you conduct proper research to set expectations and have a clear campaign plan so you can achieve the best results from your PPC ads.

PPC Entourage

With PPC Entourage, you can save time and effort while creating PPC campaigns on Amazon. It aims to help you plan and manage your Amazon Sponsored Products strategy.

You can use this tool to target the right keywords and maximise your ROI by optimising your ad copy and bids.

Some of its key features also include negative keyword discovery, campaign analysis, and bid adjustments. You can also optimise cost by tracking and analysing campaign performance to identify areas for improvement.

Ad Badger

Ad Badger is another PPC management tool for Amazon Advertisers, helping you manage and monitor your Amazon campaigns 24/7. In addition, it can help you improve paid traffic campaigns through smart automation and fast customisation features.

Ad Badger

This tool offers a wide range of features, including automatic keyword discovery, bid optimisation, and ad copy creation, among others. It also provides real-time analysis and customisable reports that can be scheduled automatically.

Ad Badger offers advanced keyword research features to help you identify profitable keywords for your Amazon PPC ads. Its automation capabilities also expand to bid optimisation, campaign makers, and even campaign performance alerts.

It also includes fundamental PPC tool features such as keyword research, campaign management, data analysis, and reporting.

Bing Ads Editor

Bing Ads Editor, now known as Microsoft Advertising Editor, is a robust tool, especially if you focus on creating Bing Ads or Microsoft Ads campaigns. However, it can also serve as a gateway if you want to expand beyond Google Ads since it can also import and export campaigns and data from Google Ads for analysis or backups.

Bing Ads Editor

Bing Ads Editor has significant collaboration features that enable multiple people to work on one report simultaneously for seamless and real-time changes. As you create your campaigns, you can preview your changes before publishing. The tool also allows you to create and update campaigns quickly and efficiently, even when you're offline.

With Bing Ads Editor, you can save time and effort when managing larger campaigns. It can easily manage and make bulk changes to multiple campaigns, ad groups, and keywords.

Ad Espresso

AdEspresso by Hootsuite is a digital advertising platform companies use to find the right audiences for their social media profiles. This tool is designed to identify the best-performing ads that will help your campaigns drive better results. It can also perform split tests on every aspect of each advertising campaign.

Ad Espresso

Additionally, AdEspresso offers advanced analytics and reporting features that allows you to predict your website’s performance over time.

AdEspresso features advanced A/B testing capabilities to pair different ad versions against sets of audiences and other variables to simulate which campaigns will perform the best for your website.

Be it for Google Ads campaigns or Facebook and Instagram Ads, AdEspresso can help you create ads with automated optimisation using an AI-driven optimisation engine, analytics, and audience targeting.

On top of that, AdEspresso also has collaborative features where you can add employees, coworkers, or even clients to your account. Then, you can grant them analytics or management permission so you can start simultaneous editing for different reports.

PPC tools help propel your Google Ads campaigns. However, always remember that Google Ads tools are not one-size-fits-all. The key to choosing the right tool for your business is to identify your goals and specific needs.

By using the best PPC tools we explained, you can choose which tool you should use to create the right campaigns and maximise your campaign spending.

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Javier Pozo